A collection about the best of fall/winter 2010 BOOTS that I’ve choose from the best online shop sites. I wrote under every images the brand, the name of article (when I know) and the price in euro. Sometimes I wrote in pink my my opinions too!Wich are your prefer? I would like to have all this! ;-)P.S. Next saturday a collection of TOTE BAGSUna raccolta di … (read more)
Yesterday I felt myself very hippie!I think that the hippie style is perfect for the autumn because its warm colours remember this season on the year.The fashion week is just started and I decided to do a final post with a collection about the best of Spring/Summer 2011.Today I' ll go to cut my hair, I hadn' t still time to cut them because I had to study … (read more)
This post it was an tribute of Riccardo. In fact he gave me 3 objects that you can see in this outfit: the earrings, the belt and the wedges with glitter. The skull errings with crown and swarovski were bought togheter in Riccione this summer when we were in holiday with my parents. Obviously when I saw them I gone crazy and I couldn't resist and so R. bought them for … (read more)
Last winter I took part at Jimmy Choo contest “ YOU, YOUR SHOES AND 72 ”.With this contest they wanted launch the new limited edition Project PEP collection, which was presented 29 Oct. 2009 in London. Jimmy Choo gave 25% of revenues obtained by the PEP Project to Elton John AIDS Foundation, that supports the anti-rape center Simelela of Cape Town for … (read more)