Take your boyfriend jeans or buy a pair model boyfriend, combined with a cute printed t-shirt, a jacket and a man gender shoe... that's it! This is the kind of look that I like most wear in these days. I remind you that you still have time to take part in the giveaway, which ends on 20 March at 00:00Have a nice … (read more)

TOP TEN springsummer 2011

Short collection of must have for next spring summer in terms of: bags, shoes and accessories!Breve raccolta dei must have per la prossima primavera estate in fatto di: borse, scarpe e accessori!BAGSThe bags for next season will still be big and spacious and with soft colors and light shades! The model used is Dr. style bag!Le borse per la prossima stagione saranno … (read more)


A few days ago I roamed through the web and suddenly appeared to me this picture with Claudia Schiffer.As soon as I saw struck me for its simplicity and its elegance, so I decided to dedicate to this my third appointment of the "LIKE A... ". Obviously, my intent was to repropose the clothes of Claudia Schiffer, certainly I didn't want to copy her person.I could never, … (read more)


Recently, I received some emails from readers asking me some advice on hair and in particular asked me wich  were the products that I use. So I decided to do an entire post about it. First I start  saying that  the hair is very important for me and it’s the part of my body which I devote more care than the rest. I like often change brands of shampoo and … (read more)