New Era beanie and leather jacket. My look of the day chosen yesterday afternoon for a stroll in downtown. I also wore my favorite shoes of the moment, the 1460 iconic Dr. Martens boots and my unavoiable red lipstick Rouge Dior 999. # purelove! Beanie New Era e giacca di pelle. Il mio look of the day scelto ieri pomeriggio per alcuni giri in centro. Ho anche indossato … (read more)


A warm and wrap pullover worn during a cold morning.The cream color, is one of those shades that I have always ignored, and suddenly, I rediscovered. Now I can not stop to wear it.Un pullover caldo e avvolgente in una fredda mattina d' autunno. Il color panna, è una di quelle tonalità che ho sempre ignorato, e che improvvisamente, ho riscoperto. Adesso non riesco più … (read more)


  Black and White. Two colors I love and I like to combine together.For me they are always synonymous of elegance and refinement.I chose a leather jacket, a silk shirt and a skirt, both from QL2, and of course my favorite stilettos.     Bianco e nero. Due colori che adoro e che amo abbinare insieme.Per me sono sempre e comunque sinonimo di eleganza e di … (read more)


  On Wednesday I was invited to ESE, European School of Economics in Florence to tell my experience as a blogger and how it changed my life since I and Riccardo decided to begin this adventure. It 'was a really good experience, for us it was an honor to take part in a lesson on our business, we were really happy and we thank everyone for giving us this wonderful … (read more)