The braid is the real must-have among all the hairstyles for this summer! And here it is with my easy look that I used yesterday for an afternoon at park with Riccardo... I love these days so relaxing :)     La treccia è il vero must have tra tutte le pettinature per quet’ estate! Ed eccola quì insieme al mio easy look che ho … (read more)


Recently, I received some emails from readers asking me some advice on hair and in particular asked me wich  were the products that I use. So I decided to do an entire post about it. First I start  saying that  the hair is very important for me and it’s the part of my body which I devote more care than the rest. I like often change brands of shampoo and … (read more)


A few days ago I went to my friend's birthday and this is the outfit that I decided to wear for the occasion, it was an happy hour-dinner so I thought that this was the most appropriate look!Draws men's clothing, a next season mus, but in my opinion reveals a touch of femininity.I wore one of my favorite necklaces, the one I bought with my friend Federica at … (read more)


Finally the post that I promised you few days ago! Today I shows you how and what tools to use for styling my hair. I remind you that my hair has been bleached through a technique called Shatush, that I already told you HERE.  By the way very soon I will go to the hairdresser to do it again! ;) STRAIGHT HAIRTo straight my hair I use the GHD straightener, … (read more)