Pinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Firenze

Good morning guys and happy new year to everyone!
Before I show you the photos of my New Year Eve, here is the outfit I wore on 31 morning to go to the market.
A simple and elegant outfit, but aggressive at the same time for the choice of the leggings and of the shoes. Infact, I wore a black coat mixed with a maxi dress and faux leather leggings by Zara, studded boots by Strategia and Alexander McQueen scarf.
What do you think?
Let me know girls, in the meantime I send you a big big kiss!

Buongiorno ragazzi e buon anno a tutti quanti!
Prima di mostrarvi le foto del mio Capodanno, ecco qui l’ outfit che ho indossato il 31 mattina per andare a fare la spesa.
Un outfit semplice ed elegante, ma grintoso allo stesso tempo per la scelta dei leggings e delle scarpe. Ho indossato infatti un cappotto nero abbinato ad un maxi abito e leggings in ecopelle di Zara, stivali borchiati di Strategia e sciarpa di Alexander McQueen.
Che ve ne pare?
Fatemi sapere ragazze, nel frattempo vi mando un bacio grande grande!

Pinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger FirenzePinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Firenze, Total BlackPinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger FirenzePinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger FirenzePinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger FirenzePinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger FirenzeAlexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen Scarf, Skull, Skull Scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull ScarfPinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Firenze, Total Black, Leggings, Maxi DressPinko, Pinko coat, Capotto Pinko, Zara, Vestito Zara, Zara dress Strategia, Strategia boots, stivali Strategia, Zara Bag, Valentino occhiali da sole, Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen scarf, Alexander McQueen Skull, Fashion Blogger, Italian Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Firenze